Jenny’s first book, Data Driven: How Performance Analytics Delivers Extraordinary Sales Results, debuted at #1 on Amazon in their New Business Release category and made the top 10 list of “What Corporate America is Reading” in 2015. Her second book, The Data Driven Leader: A Powerful Approach to Delivering Measurable Business Impact Through People Analytics, was published in November 2017.
Data Driven
Data Driven is a uniquely practical guide to increasing sales success using the power of data analytics. In this book, Jenny explains how to transform the corporate sales function by leveraging big data into better decision making, more informed strategy, and increased effectiveness throughout the organization. Learn more here, or buy Data Driven on Amazon.
The Data Driven Leader
The workplace is rapidly changing. Game-changing forces including automation, robotics, and AI are revolutionizing the competitive landscape. The Data Driven Leader is a clear, accessible guide to solving leadership challenges by using data analytics to move towards a winning, future-focused business strategy. Learn more here, or buy The Data Driven Leader on Amazon.

One of the key questions for the future is the impact of artificial intelligence on human work. Here’s a great contribution to that debate. Jenny Dearborn and David Swanson, through engaging examples and in-depth analyses, show how data analytics can properly empower the workforce for the future.
Chris AndersonOwner & Curator, TED

The Data Driven Leader is an essential guide for leaders who want to navigate complexity with brilliance and win in the new game of work. This insight-packed book will show you how to ask the right questions, gather intelligence and enable your team to find the best answers.
Liz WisemanFounder, The Wiseman Group; New York Times bestselling author of "Multipliers and Rookie Smarts"

One of the most profound changes in business today is the vast amount of people-related data we have to analyze. This book will help HR and line managers understand their opportunity to apply analytics to many of the people decisions we make every day.
Josh BersinGlobal Industry Analyst; Principal & Founder, Bersin by Deloitte

The Data Driven Leader offers an engaging parable that brings to life the value of analytically-based people decisions, and helpful guidance for leaders to enhance those decisions.
Dr. John BoudreauProfessor & Research Director, Center for Effective Organizations and Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

I love the story-telling approach to analytical lessons that Jenny and David offer. Their knowledge of (and commitment to) people, systems and data converge here in a must-read book for anyone interested in the future of HR and Leadership. Even the non-numbers oriented, like me.
Bill JohnPresident & CEO, Odyssey Teams, Inc.

Knowledge isn’t power, data is! It’s not what you know, it’s the data you can access and how you can make sense of it. In Data Driven, Jenny Dearborn explains how to do just that to empower your sales teams.
Jacob MorganBest-selling author of "The Future of Work"

Sales must be data and decision driven – using Big Data and Personalization to drive performance. Jenny Dearborn has written a fresh, engaging and operational book, making analytics come alive in the sales process.
Elliott MasieChair, The Learning CONSORTIUM and author of "Big Learning Data"

If you want to take the sales function of your company to the next level, you’ve got to read Data Driven! Through an engaging fictional story and insightful commentary, Jenny Dearborn makes the complex subject of data analytics interesting, accessible, and practical.
Chuck BattipedeSenior Vice President, Learning & Development, Hewlett-Packard

Jenny Dearborn has written a must-read for leaders at every level of growth-hungry businesses. Data Driven is a blueprint for building winning strategies, successful sales teams and sustainable customer relationships.
Bill McDermottCEO, SAP

Some might find it hard to believe I’m endorsing a book on performance analytics when I have trouble balancing my own checkbook. At its core, though, Data Driven is about people and the importance of collaboration—which I do know something about. This enjoyable read by Jenny Dearborn combines a relatable story about a struggling sales force with real-life, cutting edge concepts that will teach you and your team all about data analytics and how to apply them. Read this book and learn from an expert how to transform the sales process in your organization and get powerful results.
Ken BlanchardCo-author of "The One Minute Manager" and "Leading at a Higher Level"